Canine Fitness Resources
Download & Share These Free Resources!
Home Assessment Checklist
Just as the choice of lifestyle and living conditions of humans can influence the effectiveness of management of our pain and disease progression, so the same applies to canines. Home adaptation is a key area where owners can make a valuable contribution to helping their dog live more comfortably.
Household Hazards
This guide will walk you through the most common household hazards for puppies, injured dogs and our older furry friends and will give you ideas for how to adapt them.
How to Exercise an Arthritic Dog
When your dog is older and/or in pain, it can significantly affect their ability to play and exercise happily & comfortably. It’s important to note that they may cloak their disability as a consequence of many factors, and it may not be obvious to us as pet owners until crisis point is reached. We aim to highlight subtle signs that can help identify an issue early.
Body Conditioning Score by Dog Size
Keeping your pet at a healthy weight is one of the most overlooked keys to a happy, healthy life. It can also be one of the most difficult tasks to undertake without knowing the vital factors that contribute to your pet’s weight. Talking to your veterinarian and creating a plan to reach and maintain a healthy weight is best but can be daunting. With this information and some solid questions to bring to your appointment, you can be confident speaking about your pet’s weight to your veterinarian.
Taking Owner Collected Video
Video footage taken at home can be very beneficial to your vet, as it allows them to assess your dog’s movement and posture when they are relaxed and in a familiar environment. Dogs will often change or hide their behavior when in the veterinary practice, so a video can be a useful aid to reaching a diagnosis.
Puppy Guidance Booklet
Recent research has suggested that 40% of dogs between the ages of 4 months and 8 years old have radiographic signs of arthritis in one or more joints, and 24% have some degree of pain related to these arthritic changes.
What you do with your new puppy now and throughout their life will have a significant impact on the likelihood of them developing arthritis.
Veterinary Referral Form
When your dog is sick or injured, treatment usually begins with your local veterinarian – a skilled and highly trained doctor. Occasionally, their patients (your dogs) require specialized care.
This is where AZ Canine Fitness comes in! Please have your veterinarian fill out the required form before starting a therapy program with us.