Puppy Fitness Program


Who is it For?

Puppies from 8 weeks to 12 months. Vet clearance recommended.


What’s Included?

  • 3 Circuits
  • 39 Video Tutorials
  • Program flow-chart & progression instructions
  • 18 pages of PDF Downloads of all Circuits
  • E-mail support to verify correct exercise postures, progression and to troubleshoot specific issues
  • 3 E-Books (Home Assessment Checklist, Puppy Guidance, & Household Hazards)
  • Access to all relevent information for 1 year

Length of Program

  • 3-6 months depending on the dog’s level of fitness at the start of the program.  This program is flexible and can be customized to start simple and build up slowly or to start at a higher level and add more repetitions or duration per exercise.

Equipment Needed – Shop Our Amazon Store HERE

  • Dog bed or cushion
  • Cavaletti set with cones or anything the dog can step over and that can be raised as difficulty increases
  • Ramp or stairs
  • Balance Disc (1)
  • Food Puzzle or Snuffle Mat
  • Optional – Fitbone (1)




A puppy fitness program can help your furry friend develop good exercise habits, build muscle, and maintain a healthy weight.

Our program includes a mix of cardio and strength training exercises that are age appropriate, safe for growing bodies.  At AZ Canine Fitness, we focus on building body awareness and proprioception in our series of 3 circuits.  We know that puppies have a lot of energy, so we focus on activities that will keep them moving and burning off that energy. Our program incorporates several different types of exercises to make the workouts more fun and stimulating for your puppy.

In addition to physical exercise, we also emphasize the importance of mental stimulation. Puppies need to use their brains just as much as their bodies, so we include puzzle games and training exercises to keep their minds sharp.

Whether your puppy is a high-energy breed or a little more laid back, our puppy fitness program will ensure that your best friend is getting the exercise they need to stay healthy.

We believe that exercise should be a fun and positive experience for your puppy. Our trainers are passionate about helping puppies reach their full potential, and we would love to help your furry friend achieve their fitness goals.

For a continuation of your pup’s fitness journey – we have strength and conditioning programs available in our therapy suite or in your home!

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: All information provided by AZ Canine Fitness and/or Lisa Smith is furnished strictly for educational purposes only. AZ Canine Fitness and/or Lisa Smith is not engaged in rendering veterinary or diagnostic services. No information is to be taken as veterinary or other health advice pertaining to any animal’s specific health or medical condition. Please consult your veterinary professional before participating in or acting on any recommendation found in programs provided by AZ Canine Fitness and/or Lisa Smith. You agree that use of the information contained in any content provided by AZ Canine Fitness and/or Lisa Smith is at your own risk. AZ Canine Fitness and/or Lisa Smith is not responsible or liable for any injury sustained as a result of using the content/advice provided by AZ Canine Fitness and/or Lisa Smith.